My Story
I came to sexual healing and spirituality because I felt there is more to sex, love and life than routine habits and conventions. My marriage wasn't reflecting that for me so I journeyed into Tantra, Sexological Bodywork and Kundalini activation to explore unknown realms of myself and possibility! I love variety and I love going deep. For me this is about always seeing with new eyes in wonder, and not thinking I already know. Every moment is changing and has something magical for me if I’m open and present. 

Life is a miracle!

My coaching and workshops are based on my certificate in sexological bodywork*. It is deeply compassionate, client led, consent focused, empowerment and embodiment focused. I also use teachings and practices from my yoga training (500h certified teacher), energy healing / Kundalini innerdance and Tantra experience, studies in NVC* and IFS*, as well as my experience in the arts. I have a BAhons in Theatre, an MA in Performance Studies and ran away with the circus for a decade! I also write and perform my own music. You can listen on spotify and all other platforms here.

I have been coaching clients in their challenges and desires in sexuality, love and relating for 5 years. In that time I have also led several Conscious Relating and Kundalini Innerdance retreats (and many workshops) in Ireland, Portugal, Australia and Thailand, as well as co-creating the first residential Tantric Massage Practitioner's Training (levels 1 and 2) in N. Ireland in 2023. I am support facilitator on the next level 1 in August 2024. See the event here...Tantric Massage

She's really inspiring! Very knowledgeable, and had really fun, v practical tools, she's a joy to work with and brings amazing energy, love and awareness to every session. She is compassionate, hilarious, full of life and joy and is great at responding to every situation.
Caoimhe, 1-1 client, 35, healthcare professional, Ireland

*SEXOLOGICAL BODYWORKERS are “professionals supporting individuals, couples and groups to learn to direct their own erotic development, learn about their bodies, sex and sexuality, or work through sexual issues or concerns”…The main focus is facilitating client agency with their decision-making about how they are touched. As such, sessions are co-created with an educational focus. (summary from sexological bodywork UK webpage)
*NVC - Non Violent Communication - a heart centred conscious approach to create understanding in connection and communication, as opposed to our conditioned strategies of judgement and finding out who’s right or wrong.
*IFS - Internal Family Systems - an embodiment practice to connect with our inner world of parts - exiles and protectors - anchoring into our open, curious and compassionate Self to connect with, empathise and transform these parts into an integrated system that is unburdened and free to express and offer its gifts.

I work with you from the belief that all parts of us are welcome and worthy of love. 
Behind every shadow or block is a part of us asking for acceptance and healing. 
It offers a message that leads to LOVE and fulfilment of our deepest dreams. 

Underneath it all we are LOVE and bliss itself. We are powerful creators.  

We can all experience this.

Are you ready?


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