This Facilitator Training Course is Launching Soon...
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Here's what you'll get in the course

  • This is going to be a deep and powerful container that will give you first hand practical experience and theory in person and online over 6 months.
  • I will be the main facilitator, but there will also be experienced guest facilitators who will join us to enhance your understanding with their own flavour of this work.
  • You will not only learn practical techniques but you will go on a journey of embodying this energy in your unique way and gain the skills and confidence to transmit and empower others with it.
  • The core of my teaching will be supporting you to find your unique embodiment, expression, transmission and facilitation style. What feels aligned for you? What does it mean to trust your inner being and guidance? Your source connection? The whole learning of this energy is about empowering your particular gifts from Source into this incarnation/expression of life that you are. Your unique signature that adds to the overall creation of Life. How are you, who are you, when you drop conditioning, habits, fears and limitation and tune into the infinite abundance of Source Reality? I am not saying that after 6 months you will be there all the time, but you will taste it and be able to tune into and call upon it much more readily and sustainably.
  • You will be guided in ethics and facilitation skills, including nervous system regulation and resourcing techniques, that will give you the foundation to support people on a journey of transformation; taking care of integration, working with shadow and ego, how to avoid bypassing, exploring consent, empathy, heart led leadership, and freedom. The course will include you completing mentored case studies and aftercare options.
  • This is why this training is over 6 months and not an intensive couple of weeks or months. Giving time for integrating experiences allows the nervous system, mind-body-spirit to process in an organic and enriching way, where wisdom has a chance to unfold and reveal itself in layers of understanding across different aspects of our being.
  • Spaces on this course are limited to 16 participants so that each person is given the attention and guidance they need.
I am so excited to find out who wants to dive into this journey of empowerment and healing, wildness and self awakening. I can't wait to meet and share this with those who are devoted enough to this path to commit into this 6 months, and really, to this life of living through love, truth and surrender to the divine. YESSSSS! Bring it on!

With all my heart

This course launches soon
Don't miss out!


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