The Next Kundalini Innerdance Class is Launching Soon...
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Here's what you'll explore

Unlock the powerful flow of Kundalini energy with the support of tantric wisdom, somatic movement, voice and energy work; to heal, discover your ecstasy and elevate your consciousness

What happens in the session?

  • We start and close in opening circle with intro, demo, Q&A, then integration at close. 
  • The journey lasts approximately 1h15
  • You lie down, relax, do nothing and receive activation
  • I guide through words, energetic and physical touch, with music that activates different brain wave frequencies and states.

Experiences include:

  • Spontaneous ecstatic, healing or meditative movement
  • Emotional catharsis
  • Energy flow and energy healing
  • Visuals like mandalas, lights, colours or guides
  • Divine revelation
This is a compassionate space to release, open and experience your power and bliss more fully, beyond ego and conditioning.

What is Kundalini?

Kundalini is another word for our life force energy, part of our creativity and sexuality. It is our innate power. When aroused from its state of potentiality in our root, it awakens us to our true nature, gifts and calling. We experience ourselves as non-dual, in two ways simultaneously: as individuals and as One with the Universe / Life / Source.


Here's more about me and why my work is worth waiting for

I'm here to share with you that you are powerful beyond your wildest dreams!

My facilitation is based on my Kundalini Activation & Innerdance training and my certificate in s.xological bodywork*. It is deeply compassionate, client-led, consent focused, empowerment and embodiment-focused. I also use teachings and practices from my yoga training (500h certified teacher), energy healing and tantra experience, studies in NVC and IFS, as well as my experience in the expressive arts.

This Works. Here's Proof.
Whether you're new or experienced in connecting to and living your cosmic truth this work will guide you deeper with compassion and joy! Each session is a different experience and reveals exactly what YOU need.

"Dear Rachael, thank you so much for the space you opened in me…A feeling of remembering my inner power... A remembering of the natural state of my energy... Your inner dance opened a portal in me... allowing myself more to be who I am. A healing and empowering experience..."

Sound Healing Practitioner

Such a beautiful, blissful, deep, juicy, wild, RAW experience. Rachael is an absolutely gorgeous soul, so full of life force energy, and an amazing facilitator. I recommend this experience with every fibre of my being…If you are feeling called at all....just do it, you won't regret it.

Spiritual Facilitator
N. Ireland

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ullamcorper elit vitae porttitor pretium. Aenean ullamcorper ullamcorper sem. Cras sagittis semper turpis, et tempus metus vulputate sed. Maecenas laoreet nisi urna, sed mollis purus blandit sed. Ut mattis ipsum et luctus feugiat. Nullam elementum massa ac augue porttitor, ac ultrices nisl ullamcorper."

Client Title, Company
Where in the world (if this matters)
Got Questions? We've Got You!

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This course launches soon
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